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Latest Event Date

June 8 2024 at 14:30-15:30

Sail Past, Commodores Reception & New Member Welcome


The Sail Past tradition began at Cowes in England, nearly 200 years ago. The actual “review of the fleet” was introduced as a continuation of the naval habit steeped more than 600 years ago of having Admirals (and/or Royalty) review fleets or entire navies on special occasions, determining the readiness, capability to put to sea and showing respect to the Commander-in-Charge.

Protocol demanded that a flagship be anchored with the Admiral and staff on the quarterdeck to receive and return the salute. Vessels sailed past, dipping their colours in salute, and with their captain, if hatted (which he…or she, should be), also saluting with the ship’s company standing at attention.

The fleet passing in review would be led by the Vice-Admiral and the final vessel in the line would carry the Rear-Admiral.

The Sail Past tradition is almost identical, except that the salute is received by the Commodore instead of the Admiral. Every year, the practice and history of Sail Past is performed by thousands of yacht clubs around the world. This is the opportunity to prove the seaworthiness of your vessel.

Sail Past marks the official start of the boating and cruising season. Tradition dictates that all Club members participate in the Sail Past, on their own or on another member’s yacht. Good manners require that a member unable to participate will send his/her regrets to the Commodore.

PCYC Sailpast 2024

You will find the commodore’s boat anchored off the south side of PCYC’s harbour. The boat will be within sight as you exit the harbour onto the lake. The commodore’s boat will be anchored from 2:30pm to 3:30pm. Please help us celebrate with a great member turn out!

Sailpast procedure

  • Remaining approximately 20 feet away from the commodore vessel, sail past the bow of the vessel on a Starboard tack.
  • All crew members should salute the commodore as you sail past.
  • Boat that flies a Canadian or Quebec flag should lower them during the pass. Boats without a flag should let the Jibs flog as they sail past.
  • Sail past and await the commodore return salute.
  • Once you have been saluted raise your flags and adjust your sails to make your way back safely to the harbour and find your slip.
  • While waiting for the others to return prepare your signaling devices to make some noise to welcome home the commodore. These can be whistles, air horns, signal horns, megaphones, bells, etc. …
  • Once the commodore enters the harbour welcome him back with a cacophony of horns and whistles!
  • Make your way over to the deck for some refreshments, hors d’oeuvres and cake, to celebrate a successful sail past.

Please note, if we are struck with unfavourable weather conditions, we will still have our sail past although it will be a walk past around the docks. We invite all sailors and crew to salute the Commodore from the deck of their boat as he comes by. Proceeding with this option would push the start time of the sail past to 3:15pm instead of the 2:30pm start.